PayPal donations were received (in chronological order) from the following Buzztime players:
  1. James Watson
  2. Steven Jordan
  3. Timothy Bentley
  4. Dave Peters
  5. Christopher Brooks
  6. Charles Pannuzio
  7. Thomas Dietz
  8. Bobby Reeves
  9. Joel Suzuki
  10. Kay Carlson
  11. Kenneth Zeringue
  12. David Runta
  13. Charles Glidden
  14. Thomas Michael
  15. Ronald Barth
  16. Steven Perry
  17. Derek Daily
  18. Henry Herron
  19. Joseph Martz
  20. Charles Sowder
Checks were received from:
  1. Ron Philo
  2. James Watson (also PayPal)
  3. Lorin Burte
PayPal donations received after the original event.
  1. Brent Viers, July 19, 2023
The net total: $767.14 (after PayPal fees)
Thank you for each and every donation.
We exceeded our original goal of $505.30.
The excess will be applied to the site's other expenses which include:
  1. Annual SSL Certificate
  2. Annual Domain Name renewal

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