2024 BRAINBUSTER Player Rankings

2024 Brainbuster Player Statistics

Player ID: 12770962
Games: 11

Rank based on a minimum of 12 games.
Average:2,158  Rank:N/A
Total:23,737  Rank:N/A

The COUNT column is the number of REGISTERED playmakers in use during that game.
DateRankScoreSite NameCitySPCount
January 30, 2024432  4,155  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON591
February 20, 2024456  3,052  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON549
February 27, 2024579  826  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON606
March 12, 2024554  1,000  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON579
March 19, 2024434  4,696  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON563
March 26, 2024467  3,342  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON586
April 9, 2024552  54  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON569
July 9, 2024497  0  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON500
July 30, 2024440  1,355  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON476
August 6, 2024392  2,975  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON461
August 27, 2024442  2,282  The Smokehouse Eatery and PubBrightonON489

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