March 31, 2004
By: Betty Ramsey

Passport recap 3/31/2004

Passport Destination: Jordan

Packing Round

1. The capital city of Jordan is AMMAN .

2. The official currency is the Jordanian DINAR .

3. King Abdullah II came to power when the popular King HUSSEIN died in 1999.

4. Jordan's most popular tourist site is this ruined capital of the Nabataens. PETRA

5. Mt. Nebo is said to be the burial spot of this biblical character. MOSES

6. Jordan's WADI RUM Desert is noted for spectacular stone and granite landscapes.

Picture: pink stone carved building

Departure Round

1. The main ingredient of the traditional dish called "mensaf" is LAMB .

2. The current non-fiction book "Leap of Faith" by Queen NOOR depicts Jordanian culture.

3. Many scenes in this movie directed by David Lean were shot in Wadi Rum. LAWRENCE OF ARABIA

4. The fertile Jordan River Valley runs from the Syrian border to the Gulf of AQABA .

5. The course of a popular desert HORSE race runs from Wadi Rum to Aqaba.

Picture: Roman ruin

On Tour

1. In 1967, Jordan fought a six-day war with this neighboring country. ISRAEL

2. The town of Madaba is known for its Byzantine MOSAICS.

3. It is believed that 90 per cent of this second most famous Roman ruin is yet to be unearthed. JERASH

4. Aqaba is noted for being Jordan's only COASTAL TOWN.

5. This is an added attraction at site of the ancient ruins of Al-hemma. BATHS

6. Ruins of Umm Al-Jimal are unique because all of the buildings are made of BLACK BASALT.

7. A trio of columns from the Temple of HERCULES have been re-erected in central Amman.

Picture: pink ruin of castle

8. Which fact about the city of Irbid is true? JORDAN'S SECOND LARGEST CITY

9. The nomadic BEDOUINS live in tents made from black goat's hair.

10. Qasr el-Kharaneh and Qasr el-Mushad are best described as desert CASTLES.

11. Pella is one of many ancient cities with a "nymphaeum" which is a FOUNTAIN.

12. Machaerus, the ruins of Herod the Great's fortress is where she did a famous dance. SALOME

Bonus Question One

Amman's beautiful King Abdullah Mosque is an example of MODERN ISLAMIC architecture.

Bonus Question Two

Where on the map of Jordan is Ammon found? Area 1

Picture: amphitheater

Slide Show

1. The Khazneh, or TREASURY , is the most important landmark at the ruins of Petra.

2. The landmark Triumphal Arch is the first thing seen when approaching JERASH from Ammon.

3. The English meaning of Qasr Iraq al-amir is "Castle of the SLAVE."

4. An impressive restored amphitheater is a landmark in downtown AMMON .

Clues for next destination:

Historic monasteries
Friendship Bridge
Mountainous terrain
Black Sea

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