April 16, 2003
By: Betty Ramsey

Passport Destination: Vietnam

Packing Round

1. The largest city in Vietnam is HO CHI MINH CITY .
2. Hanoi, stretches along the RED River is dubbed the Paris of the
3. This is the Vietnamese word for "hotel." KHACH SAN
4. Vietnam's official currency is the DONG .
5. The Lunar New Year, Vietnam's most important festival, is commonly
called TET .
6. All of these are popular attractions in the city of Hanoi except

Picture: tall pagoda

Departure Round

1. This fermented fish sauce is the mainstay of Vietnamese cuisine
NUOC MAM . (I have seen it spelled NUOC NAM)
2. It was announced that Vietnam expects to export $1 billion in
SHRIMP in 2003.
3. Michael Caine plays British a REPORTER in Vietnam in the 2002
movie "The Quiet American."
4. At 10,309 this is the highest mountain in Vietnam. FANSIPAN
5. This spectator sport was reinstituted in Ho Chi Minh City in

Picture: Catholic style church

On Tour

1. This European nation was the primary colonial power in Vietnam
from 1859 to 1884. FRANCE
2. The complex of pagodas and shrines built into the cliffs of Huong
Tich Mount is called the PERFUMED PAGODA.
3. This village near Hanoi is famous for ceramics. VAT TRANG
4. The famous HALONG Bay has over 3000 small islands and thousands
of caves and grottos.
5. The Dalat-nha Trang highway goes through the oddly named
CHICKEN village in central Vietnam.
6. The most populace of the hill-tribe people often called
Montagnards are the TAGNARES .
7. This unique fruit only grows along Vietnam's south central coast.

Picture: harbor with mountains

8. Royal tombs on the banks of the Perfume River hold mausoleums of
six NGUYEN dynasty rulers.
9. Thec Ban Gioc, in the northeast part of the country is Vietnam's
largest WATERFALL .
10. Drinking rice wine with a pickled SNAKE in it is considered for
a multitude of ills.
11. The town of Cu Chi is famous for the TUNNELS .
12. The Cham ruins can be explored at this archeological site in
central Vietnam. MY SON

Bonus Question One

Hanoi is the best place to see the ancient art of water puppetry
invented by RICE FARMERS .

Bonus Question Two

Where on the map of Vietnam is Hanoi found? Area 1

Picture: pagoda temple

Slide Show

1. The landmark 69-foot octagonal tower of the Thien Mu pagoda is a
symbol of this city. HUE
2. Hanoi's landmark SAINT JOSEPH'S Cathedral is noted for its
square towers and elaborate altar.
3. According to legend among the islands of Vietnam's landmark Halong
Harbor were created by a DRAGON .
4. The rococo temple that is a landmark in Tayninh is headquarters
for this religion. CAODAISM

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