May 3, 2006
By: Betty Ramsey, LEOASC/BETT R

Passport Destination: Trinidad and Tobago

Packing Round

1. The closest neighbor of the island republic of Trinidad and Tobago
2.This city on the larger island of Trinidad is the country's
capital. PORT OF SPAIN
3. The official language of Trinidad and Tobago is ENGLISH .
4. This music genra introduced by African slaves is identified with
Trinidad/Tobago. CALYPSO
5. Trinidad and Tobago is one of the most prosperous Caribbean
nations largely because of OIL .
6. The largest city on the smaller island of Tobago is

Picture: long billed red bird

Departure Round

1. This street food is an Indian bread wrap filled with potato curry
and a meat. ROTI
2. The February 27-28 carnival included traditional characters like
this little demon. JAB-JAB
3. This is a new and exciting genre of music in Trinidad and Tobago.
4. Although only 3,087 feet above sea level, EL CERRO DEL ARIPO is
the republic's highest peak.
5. This sport is a national passision of Trinibagonians. CRICKET

Picture: white building with dome and fancy doorways

On Tour

1. Trinidad and Tobago was a possession of GREAT BRITAIN from 1802
to 1962.
2. "Chaguaramas" is a popular NATIONAL PARK just a 20 minute drive
from the Port of Spain.
3. Scarborough, Tobago is dominated by an 18th Century fort named for
this British king. GEORGE III
4. This word refers to the favorite Trinbagonian activity of
socializing with friends. What is it? LIME
5. This beach 45 minutes from Port of Spain is considered "the" place
to swim and be seen. MARACAS BAY
6. Trinidad's Matura Beach is known as the nesting ground for
7. Pitch Lake is billed as the largest natural resevoir of ASPHALT
in the world.

Picture: fancy white two story building

8. Tours are offered of the ANGOSTURA factory where locals say the
world's best rum is made.
9. Carapichaima, in central Trinidad, is inhabited mostly by
immigrants from INDIA .
10. This highest waterfall on Tobago has three cascades that tumble
over 177 feet. ARGYLL WATERFALL
11. These local crafts are all readily available in souvenier shops
or roadside stalls except MATRISOSHKA DOLLS .
12. Duccoo GOAT races are a highlight of Tobago's festive Easter

Bonus Question One

The so-called "Red House" in Port of Spain houses the PARLIAMENT .

Bonus Question Two

Where on the map of Trinidad and Tobago is Port of Spain found? Area 2

Picture: valley with a rainbow

Slide Show

1. The Caromi Swamp and Bird Sanctuary is home to this national bird
of Trinidad and Tobago. SCARLET IBIS
2. The landmark WATERLOO Temple in central Trinidad is surrounded
by water at high tide.
3. Called "the Castle," the museum features the works of this German
sculptor. LUISE KIMME
4. An oddly shapped hill is this Trinidad city's most popular
landmark. SAN FERNANDO

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