April 27, 2005
By: Betty Ramsey, LEOASC/BETT R

Passport Destination: Northern Italy

Packing Round

1. All of these cities are in Northern Italy except NAPLES .

2. Turin's reputation as the birthplace of Italian industry is due in
part to auto giant FIAT .

3 This northern region is sometimes called the Italian Riviera.

4. The northern region of Valle D'Aosta has a significant minority
that speaks FRENCH .

5. The busy metropolis of Milan is home to this world famous opera
house. LA SCALA

6. The Accademia, Rialto and Scalzi are BRIDGES in Venice.

Picture: duomo

Departure Round

1. This flavorful delicacy is found in many dishes of the Piemonte

2. The small town of Nervi, near Genoa, hosts the International
BALLET Festival in July.

3. Which of these movies set in Venice is a classic Katherine Heyburn

4 This highest mountain in the Italian Alps is on the border with
Switzerland. MONTE ROSA

5. The banked race track just north of Milan is the site of the
Italian Formula I Gran Prix. MONZA

Picture: long low building with columns and statue

On Tour

1. "Genova" is the birthplace of this famous explorer. CHRISTOPHER

2 Parko Nazionale del GRAN PARADISO , in Valle D'Aosta is the
oldest national park in Italy.

3. These animals are the stars of the annual "Battle of the Queens"
in Aosta. COWS

4. Magiori, Como, D`Orta and Guarda are all LAKES in the Lombardi

5. The main sources of income in the five villages of "Cinca Terre,"
are fishing and VINICULTURE .

6. The island of Morano near Venice, is a world famous center for

7. The Italian press has labeled the town of Portofino "The RICHEST
Promontory in Italy."

Picture: large dome

8. Visitors in the town of Bolzano "Bozen" might think they're in

9. Although noted for its cultural sites, Milan is also Italy's

10. The Aosta Valley is dotted with CASTLES .

11. The town of Cremona is best known as Italy's center of VIOLIN

12. You must dive to see the bronze statue of JESUS in the water
off San Fruttuoso.

Bonus Question One

The lovely "Fondaco Dei Turchi" on Venice's Grand Canal was once a

Bonus Question Two

Where on the map of Italy is Venice found? Area 3

Picture: balcony

Slide Show

1. This duomo featuring spires, pinnacles and statues is the most
famous landmark in MILAN .

2. Padova`s landmark Palazzo Porto-Breganze was designed by the
architect known as PALLADIO.

3. Turin's skyline is dominated by the dome and spire of the

4. This balconied house in Verona is reputed to be the former home of
this legendary lady. JULIET CAPULET

Clues for next destination:

Rocky Mountains
U.S. Mint

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