January 26, 2005
By: Betty Ramsey, LEOASC

Passport Destination: Ecuador

Packing Round

1. This capital of Ecuador was once a major Inca city. QUITO

2. The GALAPAGOS Islands are part of Ecuador even though they are 620 miles off the mainland.

3 Ecuador's official currency is the U.S. DOLLAR.

4. In the 1970's, this product overtook bananas as Ecuador's main export. OIL

5. All of these are among Ecuador's seven national parks except CHACO.

6. Quito is the second HIGHEST capital in the world.

Picture: cathedral with domes

Departure Round

1. "Cuy," a traditional food specialty of Ecuador, is best described as ROASTED GUINEA PIG .

2. This leader of a 2000 coup is Ecuador's current president. LUCIO GUTIERREZ-VORBUA

3. This 2003 movie was the first ever shot in the Galapagos Islands. MASTER AND COMMANDER

4 This mountain range runs through the heart of Ecuador. ANDES

5. In 1996, Jefferson Perez because Ecuador's first Olympic Gold Medalist winning this event. 20-KILOMETER WALK

Picture: old stone building

On Tour

1. This literary voice of the early revolutionary period was jailed for his anti-colonialism. EUGENIO ESPEJO

2 This is the main attraction in the town of Otabalo. SATURDAY MARKET

3. General SUCRE , leader of Ecuador`s fight for independence, is buried in Quito`s "Catedral."

4. Some 1500 difference species of BIRDS have been recorded in Ecuador.

5. The hot springs town of Banos is a good place to arrange a JUNGLE tour.

6. You can find all of these things in Guayaquil, Ecuador's largest city except PACIFIC OACEAN BEACHES.

7. People flock to the small town of Cotacachi to buy LEATHERWORK.

Picture: volcanic mountain

8. You can be face-to-face with giant tortoises at the CHARLES DARWIN Research Station in Galapagos.

9. "La Ronda" is a historic alley of old balconied houses in this city. QUITO

10. Machalilla is Ecuador's only COASTAL national park.

11. The coastal regional city of Machala is nicknamed the " BANANA Capital of the World."

12. Guayaquil's Parque Bolivar is the place to go to see these animals. IGUANAS

Bonus Question One

A large statue of the Virgin Mary overlooks Quito from El PANECILLO Hill.

Bonus Question Two

Where on the map of Ecuador is Quito found? Area 1

Picture: blue footed bird

Slide Show

1. The new cathedral is a landmark in "Parque CALDERON," Cuenca's main plaza.

2. Excavation is still going on at these Inca ruins. INGAPIRCA

3. Waters of the thermal baths at Banos are heated by this landmark volcano. TUNGURAHUA

4. The blue-footed BOOBY is one of the fascinating seabirds found in the Galapagos Islands.

Clues for next destination:

European Union Headquarters
Diamond city

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