April 25, 2001
By: Betty Ramsey, LEOASC

Passport 4/25 The Civil War

Packing Round

1. The main cause of the US Civil War was SLAVERY

2. Alabama's only seaport, it's harbor was the site of a major
battle MOBILE

3. In 1861 the first shots of the Civil War were fired at Ft.
SUMTER now a National Monument.

4. The first major battle of the Civil War was at Manassas, VA, more
commonly known as BULL RUN

5. This deep water port city was the capital of the Confederacy
during the Civil War RICHMOND

6. On April 9, 1865 Lee surrendered his army in this Virginia

Voting Round

1. Grits, a staple food, are made from HOMINY

2. The first pictures of a 137 year old submarine which was found off
the coast of SOUTH CAROLINA

3. This film was based on the letters of Robert G Shaw GLORY

4. Harper's Ferry lies on the Shenandoah and POTOMAC rivers

5. A Union officer named Abner Doubleday is called the father of

I have no idea of the order of the rest of the questions as the
stickies got out of order. So, I'll just number them and you can
sort them out later.

Hidden Picture Round

1. The Battle of Perryville (October) was in KENTUCKY

2. Robert E. Lee decided to take the Civil War to the North at

3. When you visit WEST VIRGINIA you are visiting a state created by
the Civil War.

4. This Civil War leader is known for saying, "War is hell." SHERMAN

5. Which of these was one of four states to secede after Ft. Sumter?
ARKANSAS (Where is Bill when you need him?)

6. Who was imprisoned for two years for treason but never

7. The Civil War novel by Kantor ANDERSONVILLE won a Pulitzer Prize
in 1956.

8. Arlington House belonged to ROBERT E. LEE

9. This Tennessee battle was a decided Union victory in 1862 SHILOH

10. The Vicksburg Memorial is the site where the MISSISSIPPI river
fell into Union hands.

11. This person led slaves to freedom through the Underground

12. The Red Rover was a HOSPITAL

Bonus Questions

1. The Battle of Fredericksburg was led by this Union General

2. On the map the section was #2

Picture Round

1. Sherman gave Lincoln this town as a Christmas present SAVANAH

2. The ironclad Monitor fought the MERRIMAC

Here we lose it, there are two other notes, one is about Sherman

4. U. S. Grant accepted Lee's surrender at Appomattox at this
location MCLEAN's FARM

Our players tonight were ELLIEM, ZPYCPY, PLCMTS, LEOASC & two of our
irregulars, Brian & Mel. Our Mississippi guy, Barron, was a no-show
so we didn't do as well as we might have hoped for. We bled in a lot
of areas & ended up *WAAAAY down* on the list. No up to our usual
standards. Our Canadian friends seemed to do much better than we
did. Congratulations to all on the winning end of the list.

We did much better at Six. We saw ourselves at 3rd and would have
done better if we could have remembered the name of the movie that
was remade as Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. That was my 6000 pointer, but
I stopped my whining before it became noticeable (I think).

Luckily Paul stayed for Topix and he has traveled a lot in CA. We
did a respectable 8th.

Congratulations to CORVUS & LILJOL. Of course we expected to see you
up there!

As MEGUMI says, Happy NTNing. And I hope they get the site up again

PT's Pub LV, NV

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