May 1, 2002
By: Betty Ramsey, LEOASC

Passport Destination: Marquesas Islands

Packing Round

1. The Marquesas are part of this overseas territory. FRENCH POLYNESIA

2. The official currency of French Polynesia is the FRANC .

3. The Marquesas are famous for their human-like sculptures called

4. The main purpose of the annual Marquesas Islands Festival is

5. The petroglyphs found at archeological sites on the island of Nuku

6. In 1842, this author jumped a whaling ship to spend three weeks on

Picture of cruise ship

Departure Round

1. The starchy white flesh of this fruit is a staple of local

2. The first contestant to be voted out on TV's "Survivor Marquesas"
reality show was PETER HARKEY

3. This Belgian songwriter and singer who lived on Hiva Oa is
believed by the Marquesans ???? (sorry, I had a bit of trouble here
anyone remember what they believe?) JACQUES BREL.

4. Which of these countries is closest in distant to French
Polynesia? AUSTRALIA

5. The Hawaiku Nui CANOE race is considered the biggest sporting
event in French Polynesia.

Picture of people on top of a hill looking at a bay

On Tour Round

1. All of these are islands of the Marquesas archipelago except BORA

2. Marquesans call their archipelago, "Te Henua Enana" meaning land
of MEN.

3. "Barbaric Tales" is one of the last paintings by this artist known
for Polynesian subjects. PAUL GAUGUIN

4. This mundane activity has been turned into an island tradition.

5. The traditional outrigger canoe favored by the Polynesians is
called a PIROGUE .

6. In 1595 this Spanish navigator became the first European to find
the Marquesas. ALVARO DE MENDANA

7. This body adornment important in traditional Polynesian culture
has seen a recent revival. TATOOING

Picture of flowers with headstone

8. Taiohae is home to a school of SCULPTURE, which is considered the
primary Marquesan handicraft.

9. The traditional musical instrument called "pahu" is a kind of

10. These animals introduced from Chile in 1842 are especially
abundant on Ua Huka. HORSES

11.This city in Nuku Hiva is the administrative and economic capital
of the Marquesas. TAIOHAE

12. There is growing demand in the US for juice of the "noni" fruit
which is said to REDUCE AGING .

Bonus question 1

A statue of a former bishop is carved into a tree alongside the NOTRE
DAME Cathedral in Taiohae.

Bonus question 2

In which section of the map of the Marquesas Islands is Nuku Hiva
found? 2

Picture of beach with palm trees

Slide Show

1. This cargo vessel has been a landmark in the Marquesas since 1984.

2. The vertical face of Mt. MUKAE is the landmark backdrop of Taiohae

3. This city's landmark Calbaire Cemetery is the burial place of
Jacques Brel and Paul Gauguin. ATUONA

4. A yellow wooden church with red steeples is a landmark in Hatihu
on this island. NUKU HIVA

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