March 20, 2002
By: Betty Ramsey, LEOASC

Passport Destination: Around the Equator

Packing Round

1. The equator runs through a part of all these countries except

2. Indonesia is a/an ARCHIPELAGO .

3. The equator passes across this fresh water lake that is Africa's
largest. VICTORIA

4. The equator is the best place to observe this scientific
phenomenon called the CORIOLIS affect.

5. The southern tip of Columbia, through which the equator passes, is
best described as RAIN FOREST.

6. The GALLAPAGOS Islands, located west of Ecuador were made famous
by Charles Darwin.

Picture of monument in town square

Departure Round

1. Mashed plantains called MATOKE are a mainstay of the Uganda diet.

2. A UN peace keeping operation is in effect on this Indonesia
island. EAST TIMOR

3. In "Black Hawk Down" the original mission of the US elite corps in
Somalia was to ABDUCT TWO MEN.

4. This Indonesian island is the world's third largest BORNEO .

5. Bull fight fans in Ecuador and Columbia know the red cloth that
enrages the bull as a MULETA.

Picture of many boats

On Tour Round

1. George Bush said this man elected president of Brazil in 1989
reminded him of Indiana Jones. FERNANDO COLLOR DE MELLO

2. The Indonesian city of Pontianak is at the confluence of the
Landak River and the KAPUAS River.

3. Equator's official currency is the SUCRE.

4. The river port of Pekanbaru is the OIL capitol of Indonesia.

5. The Democratic Republic of the Congo was known as ZAIRE between
1971 and 1997.

6. Tourists to "La Mitad del Mundo" the equator leave from this
capitol of Ecuador. QUITO

7. Joy and George Adamson of "Born Free" fame were based at Kenya's
MERU National Park.

Picture of bay with palm trees and flowers

8. This city in northern Brazil lies directly on the equator. MACPA

9. People from all over the world travel to Uganda to go on a GORILLA
tracking tour.

10. The collision between the Amazon River and the Atlantic tide in
Brazil is called POROROCA

11. "Nasi gorenge," considered the most common dish in Indonesia is

12. The Uganda town of Entebbe on the shores of Lake Victoria is

Bonus question 1

The second highest peak in Africa, a landmark in Kenya, is deified by
the Kikuyu people. MOUNT KENYA

Bonus question 2

In which section on the map of Africa does the equator pass? Section 3

Picture of beach and mountain

Slide Show

1. The landmark cathedral in the central square of Quito, Ecuador
contains the tomb of this hero. ANTONIO JOSE DE SUCRE

2. The large houseboats called "bandung" are landmarks in WEST
KALIMANTAN , Indonesia.

3. Most of the people who live on the Riau Islands of Indonesia are
of MALAY origin.

4. "Benteng Belgica" fort is a landmark of this cluster of Indonesian
islands called the BANDAS.

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