September 1, 2004
By: Betty Ramsey

Passport Destination: Wellington, New Zealand

Packing Round

1. All of these descriptions fit Wellington except NATION`S LARGEST

2. Weather conditions in Wellington led to it being nicknamed "The
WINDY City" .

3 This main street runs through the heart of the city and is known
as the "Miracle Mile." LAMBTON QUAY

4. No visit to Wellington would be complete without a CARBLE CAR

5. Lower and Upper HUTT are Wellington suburbs situated along the
river of the same name.

6. "Government Buildings" is said to be the world`s second-largest
WOODEN ediface.

Picture: large round building

Departure Round

1. All of these items are likely to be on menus featuring "kiwi"
cuisine except BAR B QED SPARERIBS .

2. "Premier House" is the official residence of this current Prime

3. Wellington is home to the film company of this "Lord of The Rings
Trilogy" director. PETER JACKSON

4. Wellington is situated on COOK Strait.

5. "Silly mid-on" and "maiden over" are expressions used in this
sport. CRICKET

Picture: modern building with sculpture in front

On Tour

1. According to Maori legend, this explorer was the first person to
discover Wellington. KUPE

2 The Wairarapa Region east of Wellington is a famous SHEEP -
raising .

3. Lovers of literature will enjoy visiting this short-story writer's

4. The figurehead from this ship of Captain James Cook is found in
the National Museum. RESOLUTION

5. You can indulge in this adventurous activity in the hills of
nearby Paekakariki Village. "FLY BY WIRE"

6. The Lady Norwood ROSE Garden is part of Wellington`s large
Botanic Gardens.

7. The nearby KAPITI Coast offers fine white-sand beaches, swimming
and other water sports.

Picture: Victorian house

8. Old ST. PAUL`S Cathedral is one of Wellington`s historical

9. Wellington`s landscape is dotted with New Zealand`s NIKKU palm

10. The Nga Manu Sanctuary on the Kaipi Coast is an excellent place
to learn about native BIRDS .

11. Kirkcaldie and Stains is a city institution. What is it?

12. Part of the Maritime Museum focuses on this ferry that sank in
the harbor in 1968. WAHINE

Bonus Question One

The lookout that the top of Mt. VICTORIA provides an unparalleled
view of the city and harbor.

Bonus Question Two

Where on the map of New Zealand is Wellington found? Area 3

Picture: another Victorian house

Slide Show

1. The landmark government office building known as The BEEHIVE was
completed in 1980.

2. This futuristic museum, a waterfront landmark, is affectionately
called "our place". TE PAPA

3. The Parliamentary LIBRARY is one of the oldest buildings in the
Parliamentary Complex.

4. Historic Antrim House was once the residence of Robert Hannah, who
headed a FOOTWEAR empire.

Clues for next destination:

Lake Sevan
Former Soviet Republic
Geghard Monastery

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