liljol's NTN Site Reviews

National Sports Grill
Torrance, CA

Would be the best in the county if not for the other (NWC). Fairly large sports bar/restaurant, divided into dining area, bar area, billiards area, and cashier/souvenir stand. Good location on major street. Excellent variety in menu and very reasonably priced. Fifty (yes, fifty) boxes; boxes and many screens available throughout. Excellent staff and management. Home to one of the outstanding individual players in all of NTN, Rick Kitchen (primary handle CORVUS); takes the site on his back to national rankings almost any day or time. Visited once in 1996 and twice in 1997.

County: Los Angeles
Region: Southern California

Joel's comments about service are a snapshot of service during the day and time of his visit.
They may or may not be representative of service on other days and at other times.