Statistics based on scores from the top 100 teams each week
Shown here sorted by average score in ascending order
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Includes scores from the February 28, 2009 game.
To list ALL years, click here.

Rank  Date  Avg.  High  Low  Std.Dev.  Limit 
1 February 7, 2009 16,038 37,226 11,138 5,680 33,077
2 January 24, 2009 18,439 39,778 13,467 5,635 35,343
3 January 10, 2009 18,867 35,135 14,168 5,262 34,652
4 January 3, 2009 19,284 33,101 14,507 4,476 32,711
5 February 21, 2009 19,517 37,051 12,725 6,307 38,438
6 January 31, 2009 20,503 40,240 14,676 5,837 38,013
7 February 14, 2009 22,617 41,052 17,051 5,121 37,982
8 February 28, 2009 24,162 39,178 17,611 4,979 39,100
9 January 17, 2009 25,021 38,442 20,731 4,044 37,153

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