Statistics based on scores from the top 100 teams each week
Shown here sorted by average score in ascending order
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Includes scores from the December 27, 2007 game.
To list ALL years, click here.

Rank  Date  Avg.  High  Low  Std.Dev.  Limit 
1 November 22, 2007 5,647 13,194 3,953 1,773 10,966
2 November 1, 2007 6,753 11,776 5,883 1,005 9,767
3 November 29, 2007 6,981 12,989 5,582 1,452 11,336
4 December 6, 2007 7,791 12,968 6,474 1,244 11,525
5 October 11, 2007 7,952 11,346 6,983 862 10,537
6 November 8, 2007 8,015 13,989 6,747 1,182 11,561
7 November 15, 2007 8,239 14,994 6,888 1,358 12,312
8 October 25, 2007 8,362 14,256 7,003 1,317 12,313
9 December 27, 2007 8,981 12,996 7,808 1,060 12,161
10 December 13, 2007 9,047 14,812 7,477 1,374 13,169
11 October 18, 2007 9,107 13,520 8,024 1,024 12,180
12 December 20, 2007 10,257 15,000 8,425 1,554 14,920

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